Refining your sites could often be difficult since you will need to alter your backend code very much in order to make your pages function swifter. Nevertheless, you’ll be able to better your web site’s performance, without the need to alter anything at all in the background. With the help of the Site Accelerators, incorporated into the Control Panel, you can make your web–sites work and operate a lot faster than ever. This won’t just benefit your users (everyone loves the web page they’re visiting to work rapidly), but may also help your website get better rankings in search engine listings.

Making use of the Site Accelerators is in fact simple and easy. Just log into your Control Panel to find out precisely how each of them functions.


RAM–caching instead of data–base requests

If you’ve got a lively database–powered site or web application, it may well have problems loading quick for the website visitors as a result of the multiple queries delivered to the database. To aid you address the page running issue, we have enclosed the Memcached platform into the Control Panel.

Memcached is really an effective distributed memory object caching system, which caches information and also objects in the server’s memory to avoid the database from getting queried whenever a customer opens up a selected web page. Using this method, your site pages will load a lot quicker for customers and will increase the chance for them to come back.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–saving instead of HTTP requests

For those of you who have content–heavy active web sites with many different graphics and movies, you’ll unquestionably have to make sure that your webpages load extremely fast for your visitors. An exceptional tool you can employ is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that will assist you to hasten your sites without requesting you to have any specific technical capabilities.

Varnish caches all demands to the server in the server RAM and provides the web pages swiftly to the website visitor by evading new calls for the web server. This way, the web pages on your site will be streamed 300 – 1000x times faster to your visitors. Also, you can pick whether the arriving requests will be handled by Varnish, or by the web server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


A great way to construct flexible web apps

If you wish to construct a web application, you ought to have the tools you need readily available immediately, without the need to lookup, assemble and have them set up. The Control Panel can help you save both cash and time, by offering you the resources you need right where you need it.

The Node.js software makes it possible for designers, no matter whether they are specialists or not, to develop scalable network programs and sites. It’s powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also the libUV. Node.js makes use of an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it light–weight and also reliable, suitable for data–intensive live applications operating through distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager