The term "disk space" is sometimes identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", however all these words mean the same thing - the amount of data that you can upload to a website hosting account. The overall size of everything you have is calculated by accumulating the storage space taken by the overall content in your account, the most obvious being the files that you upload. Two more things are usually forgotten by various people, though - email messages along with databases. Sizable attachments and databases of huge script-driven internet sites will often take a lot of storage space too. To employ a more familiar analogy, the hard drive space of your personal computer is consumed not just by files you download, but additionally by documents you generate and software programs you install. In a similar way, a number of things are counted for the hard disk space that your data takes on a website hosting server, in addition to the uploads.

Disk Space in Website Hosting

Our website hosting plans were created with the concept that not sufficient hard disk space shouldn't be a thing that will reduce the growth of your sites. For this reason we have applied an approach which is distinct from the one that most web hosting providers take - instead of making all the accounts on one server and eventually not having enough storage space, we work with a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is handled by a whole group of servers. That's why, we can connect more machines in case they're needed and more hard disks, in order to provide more disk space for the files of our customers. Separate clusters take care of the email messages as well as the databases, therefore not only are you able to increase the size of your web sites not worrying about hard disk space, but also the servers will function faster and better considering the fact that each service features its own space and an individual server does not handle different types of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With all of our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd space characteristic is unrestricted, so you're able to focus on creating your websites the way they should be and never be concerned about reaching some restriction. Unlike the majority of hosting providers that create accounts on a single server, we use a tailor-made cloud platform, which allows us to offer truly unrestricted hdd space for each and every account. With just a single machine, there's a restricted number of hard disk drives that you can use, not mentioning that the most common hosting Control Panels are not intended to function with more than one server concurrently. Our platform, by contrast, employs clusters of servers for the website emails, databases and files, and our in-house Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We can easily connect as many servers to each of the clusters as needed any time, so that the hdd space is practically inexhaustible.

Disk Space in VPS Hosting

The hard disk space that we provide with our virtual private servers differs according to the package that you pick at the time you register. Using a more powerful server, you are able to effortlessly manage multiple websites, that means additional content, which means that the superior the VPS plan, the more hdd space you'll have available. Switching from one plan to another takes a couple of clicks and it doesn't involve any kind of service interruption. Your website files, databases and emails will share the total amount of space your server contains, however if you'd like to use fixed quotas, you can select cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during the ordering process. Both instruments will enable you to create web hosting accounts with limited hard disk storage and when necessary, even to share out space from one account to a different one. When using the third choice that you can find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

All of our dedicated servers hosting packages have a number of hard drives in order to match the processing power that you'll get, so you'll never have to be worried for running out of hdd storage. The drives can be employed in RAID, this means that a drive can be used as a copy of another to make sure that all of your data will always be secured, alternatively it can be used as a stand alone for even bigger full storage space. Hundreds of gigabytes of hdd storage will be at your disposal all of the time, so you'll be able to run large sites, upload huge files or even duplicate your personal archive. Due to the fact that a dedicated server is definitely the most powerful type of website hosting, you will be able to upload/download files with extremely fast speeds. If needed, we also provide you with the option to add more HDDs and use even further space for your content. We provide three hosting Control Panels with our dedicated servers - using Hepsia, all your domains will share the overall server space and will be managed in a single place, whereas with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the possibility to generate individual web hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space allocations for every domain hosted on the server.