DKIM, which is an acronym for DomainKeys Identified Mail, is an email validation system, which hinders email addresses from being spoofed and email content from being tampered with. This is done by attaching an electronic signature to each message sent from an address under a given domain name. The signature is published based on a private key that’s available on the outgoing SMTP server and it can be validated using a public key, which is available in the global DNS database. In this way, any email with edited content or a forged sender can be spotted by email service providers. This method will enhance your web security immensely and you will be sure that any message sent from a business associate, a banking institution, and so on, is genuine. When you send out emails, the recipient will also be sure that you are indeed the one who has sent them. Any mail that appears to be forged may either be labeled as such or may never be delivered to the recipient’s mailbox, depending on how the given provider has chosen to cope with such emails.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Website Hosting

When you purchase any of the Linux website hosting that we offer, the DomainKeys Identified Mail feature will be activated as standard for any domain that you add to your web hosting account, so you will not need to create any records or to do anything manually. When a domain is added in the Hosted Domains section of our custom-developed Hepsia Control Panel using our MX and NS records (so that the email messages associated with this domain will be handled by our cloud web hosting platform), a private encryption key will be generated straight away on our mail servers and a TXT resource record with a public key will be sent to the global Domain Name System. All addresses created with this domain name will be protected by DomainKeys Identified Mail, so if you send emails such as periodic newsletters, they will reach their target audience and the recipients will be sure that the messages are genuine, since the DKIM option makes it impossible for unsolicited persons to forge your e-mail addresses.

DomainKeys Identified Mail in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All obligatory DomainKeys Identified Mail records will be set up automatically by our cloud web hosting platform when you add a domain name as hosted in a semi-dedicated server account, so if you decide to get a semi-dedicated server package, you won’t need to set up anything to be able to use the email authentication system. The domain name should use our name servers so that its DNS resource records can be managed by our company and as long as this prerequisite is fulfilled, a private key will be generated on our mail servers and a public key will be published to the global Domain Name System by a special TXT record. All addresses that you create with the domain will be protected by DKIM, which will make it impossible for third parties to spoof any email address. Both you and your partners or clients can benefit from this feature, as it will ensure a higher protection level for your electronic communication.