InnoDB is a very popular database storage engine for MySQL. It is an alternative to the default engine – MyISAM, and it has got lots of pluses which make it the engine of choice for a lot of open-source script-driven software apps, among them Joomla and Magento, which have switched over to InnoDB permanently. For example, adding immense amounts of data will be much faster with InnoDB, since it locks only one row to execute a particular operation, not the entire database table, which makes the engine excellent for scalable apps. It also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the manner in which the info is treated. Simply put, importing new or editing existent data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be aborted and the operation will be rolled back if any problem shows up in the meantime, which is why the content that remains in the database will not be lost.

InnoDB in Website Hosting

InnoDB is offered with all our Linux website hosting by default, not upon request or as a paid upgrade, so you can activate and run any PHP-powered web application which needs the MySQL database engine without the need to deal with any problem once you order your shared hosting account. InnoDB will be selected automatically as the default engine for a particular MySQL database during the app activation, irrespective of whether you make use of our one-click installation tool or create the MySQL database and set up the application manually, on the condition that the app requires InnoDB instead of the more famous MyISAM engine. We’ll keep daily database backups, so you can be certain that you’ll never lose any content in case you erase a database by mistake or you overwrite some vital information – you’ll just have to inform us and we will restore your data back to normal.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You can use a script-based software application that requires InnoDB with all of our semi-dedicated server plans, since all the accounts are set up on our cutting-edge cloud platform where the MySQL database storage engine is installed. A new MySQL database can be set up in two ways – manually through the Database Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, or automatically – in case you make use of our single-click application installer. In either case, the needed engine will be chosen automatically the moment the application’s activation begins, so you won’t have to modify anything manually, irrespective of whether the app requires InnoDB or the more regularly used MyISAM. Also, we’ll always be able to restore any of your databases in case you delete one by mistake, as we create several MySQL database backups every day, each of which is saved for 1 whole week.

InnoDB in VPS Hosting

When you obtain a virtual private server from us, you will be able to make use of our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel to manage your web content. A Hepsia-equipped Virtual Private Server will allow you to run any open-source script-driven application which requires InnoDB, as the database storage engine is an essential part of the standard software package that will be installed on the VPS server during its creation. When you set up a brand new database through the hosting Control Panel, you simply have to start installing an application – manually or using our application installer. InnoDB will be set as the default engine as long as the app in question needs it, so you will not need to do anything else in your account. Similarly, if an application needs MyISAM, it will be automatically set as the default engine for this concrete database.

InnoDB in Dedicated Web Hosting

Our Hepsia Control Panel is one of the features that you can pick on the order page when you buy a dedicated server from us. Since this is the most powerful kind of web hosting, it’s quite likely that you’ll run highly popular websites that will draw many individuals, and since InnoDB is one of the best options for such Internet sites, we’ll install it together with all the other software apps that are offered with a Hepsia-equipped dedicated server. When you create a brand-new database in your account, there won’t be any active MySQL database engine until you begin installing a PHP script, whether manually through your web browser or using the automatic scripts installer that is available in the hosting Control Panel. The necessary engine will be recognized automatically and will be assigned to that database, so you can run scripts that need InnoDB, as well as ones that need the default MySQL engine, MyISAM, without the need to deal with any complication.